Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pillorying Paula & Blaming Butter

I logged onto blogger this morning and the first thing I saw was a featured post on Healthkicker that was nothing but a hate-filled rant about Paula Deen, riddled with fallacies, vitriol and obvious resentment that somebody in America got rich doing what they’re good at and what they love. I’m getting pretty sick of everybody slamming Paula Deen. I’ve never actually watched her shows or read her cookbooks, but I do own her knife set which probably gives me more of a personal connection with her than any of the authors of the poorly written rants that have proliferated on the blogosphere since Ms. Deen’s announcement that she has diabetes.

Let’s just think about the assertion that somebody “deserves” diabetes. Let’s think about the ages and lifestyles of those who have written that, because I’ve seen it in more than one Paula Deen rant. Probably 20-something bloggers who are years away from middle-age spread, rising cholesterol, and other mid-life consequences of thinking we’re immortal in our youth.

So if Paula Deen “deserves” to have diabetes because she’s from the south and cooks southern dishes (don’t blame me, that’s not my logic. It’s what the Paula Deen haters are spouting), then we should all fear getting what we “deserve.”

  • We deserve to crash our cars into telephone poles every time we pick up our cell phones while driving.
  • We deserve to get diabetes whenever we eat a cookie or a piece of cake.
  • We deserve to have a heart attack when we bite into a big, juicy hamburger.
  • We deserve to slip on the ice and break our hip if we’re silly enough to live in the north.
  • We deserve to be ridiculed for any health issue because we’re too fat or too skinny or too sad or too different.
  • We deserve to get herpes or AIDS or any of a myriad of STDs because we had sex.

What else are these oh so judgmental bloggers angry about? Paula didn’t disclose her diabetes diagnosis to the world the second she knew about it. Because, you know, everyone “deserves” to know because she’s famous. And they could have started their “Paula deserves it” rants three years ago. She is so arrogant and inconsiderate to make them wait three years to pillory her.

Here’s where it really gets silly. These angry little bloggers are blaming the fact that Paula cooks with butter for her subsequent diabetes. Butter is the enemy. The logic seems to be that butter contributes to obesity and obesity contributes to diabetes so she deserves to have diabetes because she uses butter. But butter is made from the cream that’s skimmed off the top of fresh milk, so why isn’t cream blamed for diabetes? Or milk? Or cows in general? Why aren’t steaks and hamburgers the culprit?

Never, in any of these rants, have I seen sugar mentioned as the cause of diabetes; it’s always the butter and the butter-caused obesity. Oh, and speaking of obesity, here’s what they’re calling obese.


So everyone’s outraged because Paula Deen has diabetes because she cooks with butter and butter causes obesity and she’s found a gig with a drug company promoting a diabetes drug. Now here’s what I want to know:


Molinak Sun