Thursday, February 9, 2012

Teen Lives On Nuggets For 15 Years

17-year-old Stacey Irvine from Birmingham, U.K., told the Daily Mail that she's been living off of nothing but chicken nuggets for the past 15 years!

The teen reveals that she's been eating nuggets since her mom brought them home for her at the age of two and from that day onwards, she never eaten fruits and vegetables. (What kind of mother allows her child to do that?!)

While she's made it 15 years without fruits and veggies--although she occasionally indulges in french fries--her health conditions highlight why it's so important to have balanced meals--or in her case, to consume something apart from chicken nuggets once in a while.

Some of the health problems Irvine faces include breathing problems, anaemia and most recently, the teen was rushed to the hospital after she collapsed and had swollen veins in her tongue.

What shocks me the most is how she hasn't gotten sick of eating the same thing every day! I know that when I eat too much of one thing--no matter how much I love it--I end up wanting a change within two weeks.

What do you think? Could you ever eat your favorite food forever?

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Molinak Sun

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Article Writing Online Happens To Be A Big Bonanza For One And All

Article Writing Online happens to be a big bonanza for one and all. However, making money online from writing articles depends on the level and expertise of your article writing. In terms of writing online articles, the web literally represents a gold mine. However, one needs to know as to how to tap such online web opportunities for writing and making money that are available in plenty.

For obtaining optimum results from the web, you should first of all be able to put up your web site for everyone to see. Once this is done, for the online market, you can start writing article content – even blogging is fine wherein you get a chance to advertise your skills and services. While your system, that is, your way of writing articles may be a strategy, the implementation part is to make money online from your skill sets in writing.

You can even think about writing e-Books for the web. Though one can opine with a fair degree of confidence that the most successful writers for the web are the commercial writers, that is, copywriters, who write for businesses, in this context, one needs to know that one needs to write articles that are totally based on one’s strength along with one’s areas of expertise and then finally go ahead and carve out a niche market for selling their articles in the web.

The bare fact, however, is that, one should have a love for writing and if so, you stand a good chance of making money online by writing articles. This can be mainly attributed to the fact that there happens to be a huge demand in the web for ”Content”. No wonder, as they say, Content is King. This situation is mainly because of the fact that if a particular website contains a lot of content, naturally, the site is bound to get more and more visitors. Once you get more visitors, the site becomes more lucrative. With the increase in the number of hits, your web traffic is bound to yield as many results.

Molinak Sun

Why Bananas are Good for You

The humble yellow dessert banana is super-food in disguise. It is also one of the healthiest foods you can get your hands on, note the nutritional experts at Bananas release their energy from fructose, glucose and sucrose slowly to help you keep energetic longer. Bananas are loaded with important nutrients, such as:

  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Protein
  • Fiber
  • Calcium
  • Manganese
  • Selenium
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin B6

But more and more research is showing that bananas and banana peels can also help heal certain medical conditions, such as warts, heartburn and for stress reduction.


Banana peels aren’t just for comedy routines anymore. A piece of fresh yellow banana skin can help remove unsightly warts. Cut a small piece of fresh banana skin to fit over the wart. Place the soft inner flesh on the wart. Use surgical or first-aid tape to fix it to your skin. Change this skin every day until the wart is gone.

Reduce Chance of Strokes

In 2009, the prestigious “New England Journal of Medicine” published a report that eating bananas regularly can help people have a 40% less chance of getting a stroke than people who did not eat bananas at all. This is because bananas can help lower blood pressure. If your doctor says that you are risk for a stroke, you still need to diet and exercise. But substituting a sweet banana a day for a fat-laden snack can help make your diet easier to follow.

Heartburn and Ulcers

Instead of reaching for bottles of antacid, try a banana, which is a natural antacid. Bananas are an especially good choice for lactose-intolerant people who can’t drink a soothing glass of milk to help quench the burn. People with ulcers find that bananas are one food that reliably does not irritate their stomachs.

Morning Sickness Prevention

Morning sickness is often caused by a sudden drop in blood sugar. Eating a banana in the morning can help keep blood sugar levels stable. It also does irritate the stomach like many other foods.

Nerve Tonic

Stress contributes or strengthens many kinds of illnesses. Stress can also cause people to make poor food choices because they may feel comforted by a high-calorie treat. But Lots of sugar and fat can contribute to stress. Bananas contain tryptophan, which is a natural mood enhancer. Stressed people are better off snacking on bananas in order to keep them full, keep energy levels up and calm down. The potassium in bananas also helps maintain heart function so that the blood is able to deliver oxygen and energy to all parts of the body.

Hangover Cure

If you have a hangover, the worst thing you can do is have a “little hair of the dog.” Try having a soothing, easy-to-digest milkshake made from a banana, milk or soymilk and a teaspoon of honey. This will also help calm nausea. Also check out these other hangover cures from Webctor authors and editors are committed to bringing free and accurate health information to the Internet.

Molinak Sun

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bacon Milkshake

Franchise chain Jack In The Box is now featuring Bacon Milkshake on their menu. But if you expect to see it on their actual menu, think again! Word on the street is it's available in limited quantities at locations and is being treated as a "secret menu" item. How is bacon added to this shake? Allegedly, the shake includes bacon flavor syrup--not actual bacon.

Warning: This milkshake is not dieter friendly. A 16 oz shake contains 773 calories and 40 grams of fat.

If you don't live near a Jack In The Box or your local chain has run out, you can always get creative and test out a DIY recipe shared by the Huffington Post (via Adventures in Cooking).


5 Slices Bacon
1 Cup Vanilla Ice Cream
1/4 Cup Milk
1 Heaping Tablespoon Dulce de Leche
1 Teaspoon Vegetable Oil or Butter


1. Grease the surface of a large frying ban with the vegetable oil or butter and then place the pan over medium-high heat. Lay the bacon flat onto the surface of the pan and fry them, flipping every few minutes, until they are crispy but not charred. Remove them and set them aside to cool for 5 minutes.
2. Take 4 of the bacon slices and place them on a separate plate. Cut them into small pieces, about 1 to 1/2 inch around.
3. Place the ice cream, the milk, the dulce de leche, and the chopped bacon in a blender. Put the lid on the blender, and blend at high speed for about a minute, or until the mixture is thoroughly combined.
4. Pour the milkshake into a clear serving glass and garnish with the single slice of cooked bacon. Serve immediately.

Would you try bacon milkshake? If you have already: Did you like it?

Molinak Sun

Monday, February 6, 2012

Listeria Is At It Again

What's the deal with all this food contamination? I didn't even know there was an orange juice recall a while back until my friend told me as I was drinking orange juice.

According to Huffington Post, Michael Foods, of Minnetonka, Minnesota is recalling hard-boiled eggs in brine sold for institutional use under the brand names Columbia Valley Farms; GFS; Glenview Farms; Papetti's; Silverbrook; and Wholesome Farms.

The recall is effective in these states: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Nebraska, New Jersey, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin and West Virginia.

This pickled egg doesn't sound too appetizing to me, but it's still good to know for all those egg lovers out there!

Molinak Sun

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Difficulty With Making Friends

I must admit that I sort of just pick my friends. I am sure my friends feel like they pick me. But I feel even more that I pick my friends.

I try to avoid people who are constantly dealing with conflict of their own making. I want my friends to be loyal. I want to believe my friends will be friends for life.

So I start slowly. I just talk with them. I go back and forth and just talk over a period of time. I trust them slowly. I shared things slowly. I watch how they treat their other friends. I am convinced that if a person can't be loyal to their other friends, he/she will never be loyal to me.

So full friendship with me takes time. Sometimes it takes years. I refuse to make friendships because I am feeling needy. That would cause someone potentially bad to pick me. So I wait.

I must admit that one of the biggest disappointments for me personally, is if I pick the wrong friend.'

Do you pick friends or do they tend to pick you?

Molinak Sun