Saturday, February 4, 2012

SUPPORT: Janet Needs A Bone Marrow Donor

I just found this video of JANET who needs a BONE MARROW DONOR.

I urge you to please, please, please, register, you could save a life!

Here are some helpful resources to register:

Follow Janet on Facebook & “like” her page to keep updated with her!

Molinak Sun

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pillorying Paula & Blaming Butter

I logged onto blogger this morning and the first thing I saw was a featured post on Healthkicker that was nothing but a hate-filled rant about Paula Deen, riddled with fallacies, vitriol and obvious resentment that somebody in America got rich doing what they’re good at and what they love. I’m getting pretty sick of everybody slamming Paula Deen. I’ve never actually watched her shows or read her cookbooks, but I do own her knife set which probably gives me more of a personal connection with her than any of the authors of the poorly written rants that have proliferated on the blogosphere since Ms. Deen’s announcement that she has diabetes.

Let’s just think about the assertion that somebody “deserves” diabetes. Let’s think about the ages and lifestyles of those who have written that, because I’ve seen it in more than one Paula Deen rant. Probably 20-something bloggers who are years away from middle-age spread, rising cholesterol, and other mid-life consequences of thinking we’re immortal in our youth.

So if Paula Deen “deserves” to have diabetes because she’s from the south and cooks southern dishes (don’t blame me, that’s not my logic. It’s what the Paula Deen haters are spouting), then we should all fear getting what we “deserve.”

  • We deserve to crash our cars into telephone poles every time we pick up our cell phones while driving.
  • We deserve to get diabetes whenever we eat a cookie or a piece of cake.
  • We deserve to have a heart attack when we bite into a big, juicy hamburger.
  • We deserve to slip on the ice and break our hip if we’re silly enough to live in the north.
  • We deserve to be ridiculed for any health issue because we’re too fat or too skinny or too sad or too different.
  • We deserve to get herpes or AIDS or any of a myriad of STDs because we had sex.

What else are these oh so judgmental bloggers angry about? Paula didn’t disclose her diabetes diagnosis to the world the second she knew about it. Because, you know, everyone “deserves” to know because she’s famous. And they could have started their “Paula deserves it” rants three years ago. She is so arrogant and inconsiderate to make them wait three years to pillory her.

Here’s where it really gets silly. These angry little bloggers are blaming the fact that Paula cooks with butter for her subsequent diabetes. Butter is the enemy. The logic seems to be that butter contributes to obesity and obesity contributes to diabetes so she deserves to have diabetes because she uses butter. But butter is made from the cream that’s skimmed off the top of fresh milk, so why isn’t cream blamed for diabetes? Or milk? Or cows in general? Why aren’t steaks and hamburgers the culprit?

Never, in any of these rants, have I seen sugar mentioned as the cause of diabetes; it’s always the butter and the butter-caused obesity. Oh, and speaking of obesity, here’s what they’re calling obese.


So everyone’s outraged because Paula Deen has diabetes because she cooks with butter and butter causes obesity and she’s found a gig with a drug company promoting a diabetes drug. Now here’s what I want to know:


Molinak Sun

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


money is a workforce management company that service institutions requiring data entry services. Our main goal is to support our client.s digitization requirements by converting scanned papers into editable digital documents. Our services also include Neural Network Text Recognition, Voice-to-text transcription and Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart image recognition for the visually impaired (blind). currently looking for typers from around the globe. All you need to have to work with us is a computer with an internet connection and the ability to type at least 10 Words Per Minute. Our schedules are flexible. You can work at any hour that you want and for as long as you please. The quicker you type, the more cash you earn. is fantastic for:

  • Mothers that stay at home.
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How much you earn depends on how much you work. Our top typers earn between $100 and $250 each month! Our Rates start from $0.50 for each 1000 words typed and can go as high as up to $1.5 for each 1000 words typed. We Pay through Debit Cards, Bank Checks, Paypal, Webmoney, Liberty Reserve and Western Union.


In order to sign up you need an invitation code - USE CODE: 3VI

Molinak Sun

I Love Google

Google Map, Youtube, Blogspot, Picasa, Chrome, Gmail, GChat and countless other Google Apps like Writespace, Zoho writer and Google Reader... fantastic. There's even a Google Laptop called Chromebook. I'm looking to buy one for myself.

I have too many gmail accounts and I've been deleting some in the past hours so that I'll just have only TWO. One for personal use and the other for mailing junk so that it doesn't clutter up my main one.

People are crying about privacy intrusion. They're going out of their mind thinking Google have gone Skynet on us. Well, part of that is true. Google will be a dangerous entity at some point only if somebody dangerous takes over it but right now, they're just streamlining their service for their user. you can always OPT OUT by not using any of their products.

If you want to scream about something dangerous, look no further than your
INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER they know everything about you because they're the one that controls your IP. Google doesn't control your IP, they're only tracking it. If you go somewhere else besides Google, it falls out of Google's hand but it will never fall out of your ISP hand. It's required that your ISP keeps all user information for up two years.

GOOGLE makes quality product for people who use it.

I Love Google!

Does Korean Pop Actually Have a Shot at Success in the U.S.?

Some of their peers' past attempts to cross the Pacific have fizzled, but Wonder Girls may have hit on the right strategy to win an American following: marketing to tweens.

The fizzy, busy sound of Korean pop have conquered airwaves in Japan and China over the past few years, but this week marks the escalation of a campaign to charm American listeners. First, Girls' Generation—arguably South Korea's most popular group—will perform on "The Late Show With David Letterman" on Tuesday and "Live With Kelly" on Wednesday, making them the only Korean musical act to ever appear on American daytime TV. And then on Thursday, somewhere between airings of Rugrats and Full House, TeenNick will air a made-for-TV movie about the Korean five-piece Wonder Girls, documenting its members' fictional attempts to find fame in New York City.

If those sound like small inroads to the American market, it's worth realizing how large these bands' ambitions are. The history of Asian pop stars attempting to crash the U.S. is one littered with artists who went from superstardom in their native country to anonymity in America, along with others who found success only when they morphed into actors or cartoon characters. But the latest contingent headed for the U.S. comes equipped with innovative promotional strategies that may set them up for fame exceeding those of their predecessors'.

The few Asian artists to achieve real success in America only stumbled upon it by moving away from music. The Japanese pop-rock duo Puffy (named Puffy AmiYumi in America following a cease and desist from Sean Combs) released several collections of their Japanese songs in America, but it wasn't until Cartoon Network turned them into animated characters for the show Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi did they become popular

Read more: Here

Molinak Sun


As the dawn breaks and the sun begins to rise
So too we begin a new day
A new journey
Upon the sands of life
Near an endless sea
Moment by moment we race across the land
Our hearts beating in time
We become the wind
And nothing can keep us from our quest
To race and soar above the all else
As rider and mount become as one
No greater bond shall ever be formed
Leaning across my steeds neck
I wrap my arms around your neck
The power you hold
The gift of trust you give
A companionship only we can share
We'll ride until there is no where left to go
Till time stops and the earth is no more
