Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I have been called unique many times. I don't try to be. I'm beginning to think that it's really just a nicer way of saying that I'm weird. At least it sounds nicer. Anyhow, it's nice to be known as unique. I like the idea of being distinct from the crowd rather than being some carbon copy or sheep if you will.

But at the same time, being unique sets you apart from the crowd, literally, and it's a lonely place to be. There's no one that will quite be able to fully understand you, and by extension, there will be no one that will quite be able to fully be there for you. To share your thoughts and feelings among others would subject yourself to conceptualizing your thoughts and feelings onto a common wavelength for others to understand. I know this sounds arrogant and it probably is, but it's true. Somewhere in the conceptualizing process, the distinct features of your thoughts and feelings get lost because there just isn't words that can capture them and you are left feeling alone, at least I do.

A wise (now old) man once told me that the only person in this world that you should ever depend on is yourself. I know this. What this is all about is maybe I'm just tired of that, tired of being the only one there for me. I am really appreciative of the few that try and continue to try, I really am, and without them I would probably be worse off.

This is all spawning from my friend calling to my attention the reason why I may not be sleeping well. I told her I haven't been sleeping well for the last month or so. She loves her sleep and believes that there's nothing in this world that one should lose sleep over. She's tried to pry her way (which I'm thankful for) into why I haven't been sleeping well and the only reply I could give her is that there are a lot of things on my mind as of late. She's even tried alcohol to see if I would open up and tell her the real reasons. It's true though, there are so many things running in my mind right now, which makes it hard at the end of the day, to clear my head and lay down and have a good night's sleep.

On another note, Tapioca Express makes hella good ass Jasmine Teas with Pearls aka Bobas.